“Lightning Strikes Twice”
A bolt of lighting stuck the roof of Oak Meadow Golf Club three weeks ago where the 2009 National Fitness Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony & 4th Annual “Don of Sports” Awards Dinner were to be held. Two weeks later, another metaphoric “Bolt of Lightning” was felt amongst an “Electrified Crowd” at the Glendale Lakes Golf Club which, on short notice, was able to host to this special event.
A capacity crowd was on hand (March 15, 2009) at the Glendale Lakes GC to experience this fantastic event as legendary sports broadcaster Don; “The Don of Sports” Figarelli handled the MC duties. Don has the unique able of blending wit and humor with warm and sincerity to make everyone feel great! The production of this special event has been likened to that of “The Golden Globes” as the Hall of Fame’s executive director John Figarelli put it, “each year this event grows in prestige and statue, as we induct the top people in the fitness industry as well as showcasing the best of the local community, as quality individuals are honored with the “Don of Sports” Award.”
This year three Addison residents, Mike Hartnett, Dean Stathopoulos and Jerry Catanese received the coveted “Don of Sports” Award, all of whom were surrounded by loving family and friends. The “Don of Sports” Award recognizes those individuals who have dedicated time and service to the community and demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship. For more than 30 years, Don Figarelli has been the voice of sports and fitness in Addison and the surrounding communities through his award winning cable television show, broadcasted on Comcast Cable, and his popular radio program, aired on superstation, WJJG 1530-AM, seen and heard by the tens of thousands of fans! The presentation of the “Don of Sports” Awards is one way that Don gives back to those terrific people who have helped him throughout the many years.
The following individuals joined the likes of Jack LaLanne, Gilad Janklowicz, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Little, Kathy Smith and Joe Weider as Hall of Fame Inductees:
Joe Bonomo, Paul Bernstein, Nancy Claussen, Dr. Philip E. Claussen, DC, Dr. Nicholas A. DiNubile, MD, John Hansen, Jim Lorimer, Bob Richards, Jan Todd, Ph.D and the organization IDEA Health & Fitness Association.
These professionals have dedicated their lives in the service of others and have helped millions get fit, stay in shape and live healthy, happy and productive lives. Two special awards were presented by the Hall of Fame: The “Volunteer of the Year” and “Rising Star of the Year” Awards were presented to Bartlett’s, Tom Meredith and Naperville’s Betty Scarimbolo respectively.
Past Hall of Fame Inductees, Dr. Bob Goldman and Tamilee Webb co-hosted the HOF event and helped present the Hall of Fame’s first ever, “Lifetime Achievement Award” to Dr. Bob Delmonteque. Bob who was born on November 9, 1919 is known as America’s premier senior fitness consultant. Bob has trained Hollywood legends like John Wayne, Errol Flynn, Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable, and contemporary stars like Matt Dillon. Since appearing on his first magazine cover in 1939, Bob has spent over 65 years helping tens of thousands of people achieve proven, dramatic results! His expertise was recognized by NASA who recruited him to provide the physical and mental health programs to the first two sets of Apollo 11 astronauts. Bob was the personal trainer to astronaut John Glenn in the 1960’s and for his heroic return to space in 1998. During the Lyndon Johnson administration he was on the President’s Council of Physical Fitness.
Some other past Hall of Fame Inductees who participated in this year’s festivities included Bob Gajda, Dr. James Stoxen, Gilad Janklowicz and representing the American College of Sports Medicine, Jim Whitehead.
The HOF's "Rising Star of the Year," Betty Scarimbolo with David Conine (lt) and Jeff Jervik (rt) |
2006 Hall of Fame Inductees, Dr. Bob Goldman with the HOF's "Volutneer of the Year," Tom Meredith |