NFHOF DSF Club Membership
"Distinguished Scholar of Fitness" Recognition
During these stressful times it’s more important than ever to showcase & promote those individuals who help people, “Get Fit & Stay Healthy” with their motivational advice and teachings and we have reduced our membership fee dramatically!
Regular membership fee & certification: $199.00
Sale: $75.00 (thru 3/31/2020)
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed!
I look forward to having you as one of our esteemed DSF Club Members.
Sincerely, John Figarelli
–NFHOF Founder
| DSF Club Member Benefits:
- All Books & Study Materials for the DSF Course (printed versions)
- Recognition as a "Distinguished Scholar of Fitness" (after passing the DSF exam)
- An e-Certificate of Course Completion
- Personalized DSF Member Plaque
- Creation of your DSF Portrait Photo
- NFHOF DSF Membership Status & Logo usage (for 2020)
- Keepsake/Collectible Fridge Magnet
- Knowledge that you are helping support the NFHOF museum and it’s charities.
- And a Satisfaction Guarantee!
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DSF Club Membership & Certification for 2020 - Just $95 (+S&H)
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“Rise Above the Rest!” - Individuals must demonstrate a Proficiency in the area of fitness history by passing a comprehensive examination following home study of the DSF Course (Printed books & material are provided) The core & supplemental courses include: The History of Modern-Day Fitness: Pioneers & Eras and Famous “Firsts in Fitness.”