Alan Calvert – 2020 NFHOF Inductee
(Born: 1875 - Died: 1944) Alan Calvert established the Milo Barbell company in 1902. The company was named in honor of Milo of Croton, the originator of progressive overload training technique. As the nation’s top manufacturer of weightlifting equipment, Calvert obtained three patents for barbell design and to help educate the public on how to properly use Milo barbells (& dumbbells) as he began publishing training pamphlets. In 1914 these pamphlets turned into STRENGTH magazine.
Most importantly, Calvert began to sponsor exhibitions and competitions after World War I that led to a national weightlifting association and the standardization of rules. By the early 1930s weightlifting was subsumed within the organizational structure of the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) of the United States.
For a brief time during World War I, both the manufacturing of his barbells and publishing were suspended. (1917-1918) In 1919 Calvert sold his successful business but continued to write for his publications. During the Great Depression the Milo company would eventually declare bankruptcy. Bob Hoffman would purchase the assets and form the York Barbell Company.
Dr. Dudley Sargent, MD – 2020 NFHOF Inductee
(Born: 1849 – Died: 1924) Professor Dudley Sargent was an educator, lecturer and director of physical training. Dudley's father died when he was a boy. As a result he had to devote much of his time outside of school hours to manual labor on land and at sea, under the direction of an uncle. During this time he joined with some other high school boys in putting up a horizontal bar and other apparatus on the high school grounds and they started a gymnastic club.
In 1869, he was invited by Bowdoin College to direct the gymnasium there. Two years later he entered the College as a student, from which he graduated in 1875 and in 1878 received the degree of M.D. at Yale Medical School. During his time at the school, he was also an instructor in gymnastics at Yale College.
From 1879 until his retirement in 1919, Sargent was director of the Hemenway Gymnasium at Harvard University. From 1879 to 1889 was assistant professor of physical training at Harvard. The athletic committee was founded in 1882, Sargent being a founding member, as a pioneering effort by Harvard to regulate intercollegiate competition.
From 1881-1916, Sargent was also director of the Normal School of Physical Training at Cambridge, Massachusetts, and after 1916 was president of its successor, the Sargent School of Physical Education. This school was for the training of teachers of physical education.
Patricia Bragg, PhD – 2020 NFHOF Inductee
Dr. Patricia Bragg is the Chairman of the Board of the Bragg Health Foundation. She is recognized internationally as a leading health and lifestyle educator and is recognized as pioneer in the health and natural food industry, serving as President and C.E.O. of Bragg Live Food Products, Inc. She had lectured worldwide with her father and continues to do so on the topics of health, fitness and wellness through the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle. She has co-authored several national bestselling health lifestyle books with her father, Dr. Paul Bragg, ND (2005 NFHOF Inductee).
The name Bragg has been on health food store shelves since Paul Bragg opened shop in Hollywood, California more than a century ago. Patricia carries on the business selling dozens of products, including salad dressings, seasonings, drinks and, the best-known of them, Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
Ben Bocchicchio, PhD – 2020 NFHOF Inductee
Dr Vincent “Ben” Bocchicchio has been a leader in the fields of health and fitness for nearly 50 years. In 1974, he created and brought slow resistance training to the exercise world. The “Spin-offs” of his system include: Super Slow, Slow Burn, the Perfect workout and a host of other slow resistance programs. Some folks describe him as the “Godfather of Modern Fitness and Diet.” In his best-selling book, “15 Minutes to Fitness,” he explains the importance of the combination of diet and exercise in the quest for optimal health, performance, vitality and appearance.
Dr. Ben has presented and constructed published clinical trials utilizing his SMaRT training protocol including collaboration with Johns Hopkins School of Medicine with juvenile arthritis patients. He is one of the elite exercise experts accepted by TASA (Technical Adviser Services) as a legal expert in the field.
From hardware configurations to specific exercise protocol applications, Dr. Ben has provided valuable insight and direction to many of the leading entities and individuals in the field for nearly 50 years. Now, in his 70’s Dr. Ben continues to be a most sought- after speaker, teacher and cohort in a large number of cutting edge exercise and health enterprises.