Jim Flanagan – 2017 NFHOF Inductee
(Born: 10/14/1946) - A former career physical educator, met Arthur Jones in March of 1971. As the result of that first meeting, Jim's career changed dramatically as he became an early Nautilus customer and later, an employee of both Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries and MedX Corporation. His relationship spanned thirty-six years with both companies and their founder, Arthur Jones.
Jim purchased a full line of Nautilus equipment from Arthur in 1973 and proceeded to open Orlando, Florida’s first fitness center, Jim Flanagan’s Nautilus Fitness Center.
Jim was instrumental in the launching of both companies (Nautilus & MedX) on a global level and the spread of High Intensity Training worldwide. During that time, Jim traveled the world speaking, training and educating in the proper methods of high intensity strength training. He worked with Hall of Fame coaches and athletes, Olympic athletes, Bodybuilders, movie stars, military agencies and government officials.
In 1998 he accepted the honor of Governor’s Leadership Award presented by The Florida Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness & Sports.
In 2002, fifteen years ago, Jim launched Resistance Solutions, Inc., an S-Corp business consulting company, as President of RSI, Jim continues sharing his unique experiences with Arthur Jones and enjoys providing in-depth insight on the application of high intensity strength training.