National Fitness Hall of Fame (NFHOF)

* Educating * Motivating * Inspiring *

Professional Members of the National Fitness Hall of Fame can apply to receive annual awards. Receive an achievement plaque for reaching each specific recognition level (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 years) and additional plates for the years in-between.


APPRENTICE - Completed 1 years of service in a fitness related field.

  • Current certification by a nationally recognition organization.


1st CLASS - Completed 5 years of service in a fitness related field.

  • Current certification by a nationally recognition organization.
  • Published at least one fitness article in magazine, journal, newsletter or on website.
  • Personally helped over 50 clients achieve their fitness goals.

SPECIALIST - Completed 10 years of service in a fitness related field.

  • Current certification by a nationally recognition organization.
  • Given at least one lecture, seminar or fitness demonstration.
  • Personally helped over 100 clients achieve their fitness goals.

ELITE - Completed 15 years of service in a fitness related field.

  • Current certification by a nationally recognition organization.
  • Produced at least one DVD (or video), book, fitness/wellness instructional manual or personal system of training.
  • Personally helped over 250 clients achieve their fitness goals.

MASTER - Completed 20 years of service in a fitness related field.

  • Current certification by a nationally recognition organization.
  • Own & operate a fitness related business. (Must show proof of ownership)
  • Provide your personal fitness philosophy.
  • Personally helped over 400 clients achieve their fitness goals.


MASTER-II - Having met all the requirements of MASTER but having 25+ Years of Service.

Master-II Level Fitness Professionals having 25+ years in service in the fitness industry (and meeting all of the induction criteria) can be nominated for induction consideration into the National Fitness Hall of Fame.

NFHOF Career Achievement Award (CAA)


NFHOF Professional Members can apply for a

 CAA by completing the form below.
(Please allow 2-3 weeks to process)

List a website that you would like us to list on our Professional Member page (if desired)
E-mail Address
Address Line 1
Zip Code
Date of Birth
Years of Service in fitness or related industry
List the CAA Level for which you are applying (Apprentice, 1st Class, Specialist, Elite or Master)
Job Title
Current employee or business name
Do you own a business? (Yes or No)
Current Certification(s)/Licenses/Degrees
# of clients/customers helped/trained
List the DVD (or video), book, fitness/wellenss instructional manual or personal system of training. (Elite & Master Levels)
Personal Training/Wellness Philosophy (Master Level)